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A Visual Exploration of Music

This series is all about bringing out hidden, subconscious emotions to the surface. When it comes to music and my art they are inseparable. Whenever I create there is music on. Right now "Spark" by Tori Amos is playing in the background. I decided that I wanted to see what would happen if I made music the sole focus of a series. Right now there are 95 panels that I have completed chronicling emotions to Ani Difranco, The Cure, The Beetles, Mary Chapin Carpenter and numerous more. I started at my adolescence because I wanted it to be an autobiography of sorts, and it has grown much bigger than that.

These are the cream of the crop!

driven like the snow

driven like the snow



Ceramic Flowers

woman, taken by the sky

woman, taken by the sky

you can't make us sacrifice our freedom of choice

you can't make us sacrifice our freedom of choice

to the depths of the deep blue sea

to the depths of the deep blue sea

the wall keeps out the enemy

the wall keeps out the enemy

the morphine won't heal my heart

the morphine won't heal my heart

someone leave the light on

someone leave the light on

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